Excellent addition.
Alan W. 12/15/2020 at 16h58
Cracking bit of kit, amazing difference for updating your NV ir capabality.
Martyn J. 12/27/2018 at 17h29
Awesome product!!
Compared to my Osram 820Nm that I currently use in my LL Nemesis it’s a much brighter and cleaner picture plus it gave me at least a extra 100m distance from the LL Nemesis.
The BS Ruby overpowered the Nemesis On-board torch (Osram 820Nm) by so much that there was no real difference if it was turned on or off. (Used the BS Ruby in a Evo T50 torch and have a T50 lens on the LL Nemesis also)
I’m talking to Clive to make me one that fits in my LL Nemesis on-board torch.
MT. 6/19/2018 at 20h10