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Black Sun IR Pill for T50

(Code: BPT50)
Shopping Satisfaction
£ 32.00
Available in 3 days
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Black Sun IR Pill for T50This is our Black Sun IR System custom machined pill with the very latest version of the Osram Oslon Black 850nm IR LED reflowed onto a 20mm Bergquist star and fitted with a 3 mode low/med/high 1400mA driver for full power.

Warning: Use only with single battery torches.

Customer reviews
Shopping Satisfaction
Been out used my t50 blacksun and just like my t67 blacksun the power is imense and worth every penny.
Shipping took a week and was update from purchased, processed and delivery which is good.
I use this t50 as illuminator for my nitesite viper 200m bunnies are a doddle to see and foxes so much further.
Theo s. Thesmi.